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Ceaphas Stubbs

Wednesday, 04/04/2018

Ceaphas Stubbs, “Unrequited Love/…Only Willing Participants…” 2015, archival inkjet print, courtesy of the artist



Ceaphas Stubbs leads participants in a hands-on art making activity inspired by the materials, methods, and perspectives of his practice. All skill levels welcome! In his work, Ceaphas Stubbs explores black sexuality, nostalgia and pleasure through a queer lens. Working at the intersections of photography, sculpture, and painting, Stubbs work suggests the sometimes slippery relationship between expectation, perception and reality. This is presented in conjunction with Stubbs’ residency at the Paul Robeson Galleries and his forthcoming exhibition, Phantom Limb.

  • Type: Workshop
  • Time: 04/04/2018 - 2:30 pm - 4:30 pm
  • Venue:Room 312, Express Newark
  • Duration:2 Hours

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