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Resistance Across Time

Sep 20, 2017 - Apr 07, 2018

Courtney Dailey, Every Body Moves Against Control, 2004, 23 x 17 inches, courtesy of the collection of Interference Archive


Opening Reception

Saturday, October 7th from 3 to 5 p.m.


Resistance Across Time is a selection of posters from Interference Archive meant to remind viewers of the long history of social movements led by and in support of women’s rights, LGBTQ rights and the rights and safety of people of color. Social movements and the fight for justice, fairness and equality have being taking place for centuries of human history. In the U.S. the Civil Rights Movement of the sixties is often taught and discussed as the most defining series of actions and events towards social justice. Archives like Interference’s show us that the struggle is multifaceted, ceaseless, and ever evolving.

Movements often help us develop and employ the language that we use to describe our experiences and desires, that language is developed within the context of time, community and people, and that language changes to reflect the charging atmosphere and evolving contexts that it functions to serve.

This exhibition is created to honor the women, LGBTQ people and People of Color who have led the way in the past, often at great personal sacrifice and high cost, while also encouraging next generation social justice warriors to learn from our history while they develop and create new methodologies and practices to try and carry us forward toward a better future for all people.

Interference Archive is an all-volunteer run community archive in Brooklyn, NY. The mission of Interference Archive is to explore the relationship between cultural production and social movements.

Venue Information Opening Reception
  • Date: Sep 20, 2017 - Apr 07, 2018
  • Location:Window Gallery, Express Newark
  • Curators:Evonne M. Davis

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