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John Gavin White: A Big Black Good Man’s Inconspicuous Xploration Of Both Freedom And Liberty

Thursday, 11/16/2023

Portrait of John Gavin White in in front of Audre Lorde’s last residence in the U.S. Image courtesy of the writer.



The first in a series of readings by Paul Robeson Galleries inaugural Writer-In-Residence John Gavin White. Featuring artwork by Xplore Freedom (Serron Green). White describes the series thus, “… framed by my notion of “Black male self-recovery in the U.S.” articulated through what White conceptualizes as the “lived philosophy of the poetic.” The poetic, quite simply, is any attempt at the unified treatment of emotion, logic, language and thought against the backdrop of oppression. When this is undertaken by black males – as a means of utilizing their personal narrative to interrogate the historical erasure of their vulnerability as human beings within a context of perpetual dehumanization – we have what he deems to be black male self-recovery.”


John Gavin White is a poet and essayist whose writings combine philosophy, narrative, lyric, and metaphor to explore the historical erasure of black male vulnerability against the backdrop of oppression.


Since 2017 PRG has been providing a dedicated residency program for artists and writers, with allocated workspace for creatives, and opportunities to engage with the public through programs and exhibitions.

  • Type: Public Program
  • Time: 11/16/2023 - 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
  • Venue:Paul Robeson Galleries @ Express Newark

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